Colorado Things to Do: Experiencing the Best of Colorado Outdoors

If there were two words that sum up Colorado, they would be: adventures outdoors. Whether you’re a tourist or a native, people expect their free time in Colorado to be spent outside in the sun with endless things to do. At 5,280 miles above sea level, a vacation in Colorado would be wasted if you don’t take a trip into the majestic Rocky Mountains. If you’ve been to or you live in Colorado, I’d bet a nickel for every time you were asked, “What are the best things to do in Colorado?” or “My friend/relative is visiting Colorado, where should I take them?” These are the best things to do in Colorado and they surely will not disappoint. Whitewater Rafting Ok, ok, maybe we are being a little biased here with whitewater rafting, but seriously, how many people do you know said they had a bad time rafting in Colorado? People who paddled in the mighty Arkansas River (the world’s most commonly rafted river) with one of our experienced and friendly tour guides leave exhilarated and wanting more. There are 95 miles of river here and plenty of experience levels and challenges to choose from; it’s like being a kid in a candy store. Another benefit of rafting with us besides the delicious gourmet meals is the amazing views of Browns Canyon where Colorado wildlife are often spotted alongside the river and up the canyons. Hiking & Biking Colorado? Mountains? Outdoors? Hiking is one of our favorite pass times and being out in the wilderness bonding with Mother Nature is one of the ways that keeps Colorado laid-back. Some of us that like to go a little faster and harder prefer mountain biking and, quite frankly, our knees thank us for it. There’s nothing quite like cruising with the wind through your hair and the smell of fresh air and pine trees. We’ll help you remember what it was like to be young while exploring the great outdoors on two wheels. Horseback Riding Horseback riding is Colorado’s second most popular outdoor activity because it’s a great taste of the Wild West with an elevated view of the beautiful landscape as you bond with a magnificent creature. A peaceful ride along Chalk Creek to a railroad bed or to a waterfall is just what the doctor ordered. A journey through the wilderness with your trusty steed is an exciting yet calm way to explore Colorado outdoors. Just a little bit of nature-therapy to nourish your soul. Zip-Lining For those looking for a more thrilling taste of Colorado zip line tours, soaring through the forest’s tree tops will get your heart pumping. This is a great way to spice up family vacations while also lowering your blood pressure and burning calories. Feelings of accomplishment, bravery, excitement, and being like a bird soaring through the trees are included. Excited to head to the mountains yet? Check out our Whitewater Rafting & Adventure Trip Packages and plan your Colorado outdoors trip with us today.

Looking for the Perfect Gift? Try White Water Rafting!

In the words of Oscar Wilde, “Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.” When it comes to determining a gift for someone, sometimes a physical object or trinket isn’t the best option. How many gifts have you received in the past that you never used? How many gifts have you given that are actually enjoyed? How can a gift be truly valued by the receiver? Well experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing, it doesn’t just occur out of thin air. You have to go and actually do something, or have something done to you, in order to receive it. Sometimes people don’t make an earnest attempt to actually live. They refuse to go outside of their comfort zone to find new and wondrous things in this world. In short, they don’t experience life to its fullest. Before you buy your next gift for someone you should truly consider what that person might enjoy. Chances are you’ll soon realize that whatever toy, widget, or object you were thinking of giving isn’t actually that great of a gift after all. Of course this isn’t always the case, but a great number of gifts can be outgrown, broken, lost, or forgotten. Most people value good memories and positive life experiences much higher than personal possessions and novelty items. A thousand people can have the exact same item, but an experience is personal and one of a kind. Let’s take a surprise birthday party for example. What is remembered most? The surprise of family and friends, the celebration, spending time with loved ones, or the piles of wrapped gifts? If you were asked to tell of a time when you were certainly happy, it probably wouldn’t be when you received that pretty new sweater for Christmas, or even upon being gifted that new car for your 16th birthday. There is no doubt; some gifts are indeed awesome, such as a new car. However, there is no object in this world that can replace good company and life experiences. The purpose of life isn’t to accumulate objects is it? It’s to live. For that reason one of the best gifts you can give is the gift of experience, especially experiences shared with others. 3 Reasons Why Rafting Makes for A Great Experience Gift There are 3 good reasons that make Whitewater Rafting a great experience gift: The inherent adventure of rafting, the valued memories it creates with friends and loved ones, and the real world experience it gives in this digital age. Adventure Without a doubt, whitewater rafting is exciting, thrilling, and gets the adrenaline pumping. For someone who has never experienced it before, chances are it will be one of the most adventurous things they’ve ever done. This is especially true for multi-day trips where they truly get to experience the excitement of the outdoors beyond a few hours and, of course, depends on the actual river chosen. Some rivers or certain sections can be rather lazy in nature, which are great for younger or older folks. But if given the real paddle gripping, white-knuckle experience of a more difficult river, it’s an experience, and a gift, that won’t soon be forgotten. Shared Time and Memories Created One of the best parts about giving experience gifts is that the gift giver can experience them as well. Friends and family can join and this often makes the experience all the better if they do. Time on the river gives people a break from their hectic daily lives, and allows them to fully be in the moment while enjoying themselves in the process. Being able to share in that with them is meaningful. Having fun, trying something new or daring, going outside of what their normal daily expectations may be, is something to be cherished and remembered for a long time. Many times a whitewater rafting trip won’t be forgotten and I’m sure you can recall a few cherished memories yourself. Real World Experience… Not Virtual If the gift receiver rarely ventures outdoors into nature, they will literally sit in awe as they gaze at their surroundings. Some people tend to forget that the natural beauty of this world around rivers is well worth the journey to go view and explore it. Usually, you don’t get the whole picture viewing Earthporn online, such as the sights, sounds, taste, and feel of being present outdoors. Experiencing these scenes in real life is much more moving and meaningful to a person than viewing it through a computer screen. How many hours a day do you typically spend staring at a screen? Most of our daily lives are predominantly virtual, from shopping to banking, and socializing to working. Most of what we experience in a day occurs with a screen no more than a foot in front of our faces. An experience gift of whitewater rafting would change that and perhaps pump a little life back into the people going. Being outdoors and seeing the world with your own two eyes has oddly become something you have to coax people into doing. An experience gift is a great way to coax people into trying something new, different, and outdoors. There is more to giving a gift than wrapping a box and handing it over. Giving a gift is an opportunity to really show that you care for someone, and that they are worth giving a gift to in the first place. Don’t discount that idea and try to consider something that is sure to surprise. A guided whitewater rafting trip is only one such idea, and there are countless others. Horseback riding tours, zip lining adventures, scuba diving lessons, skydiving… there are many options. You just have to be clever, be thoughtful, and you’re gift will no doubt be sure to surprise and amaze. Who knows, perhaps we’ll even see you on the river soon. At Wilderness Aware Rafting, our utmost passion is being the best river rafting guides we can be. This ensures we offer the

The Ultimate Outdoor Colorado Trip

Plan Your Colorado Outdoor Adventure in Buena Vista Backpacker Magazine announced that 4 Colorado cities made the list as, “The Best Cities to Raise an Outdoor Kid: The Winning 25.” Those cities are: #1 Boulder, #3 Durango, #7 Colorado Springs, and #9 Fort Collins. Luckily for us, Colorado is an amazing state for outdoor adventures and Buena Vista is one of the top destinations for a beautiful outdoor retreat. No matter how old you are, we are all children at heart when we’re walking among nature and this is our recommended list of outdoor adventures for your weekend or week-long getaway to the mountains. Camping Start by picking out one of the many camp sites in Buena Vista as your home base. Anywhere you choose will likely have immaculate views of the mountains as Buena Vista, Spanish for, “good view,” sits at the base of the Continental Divide. Camping is a great way to get away from technology and enjoy the basics of building a fire and cooking your own food with the stars overhead. We also offer multi day rafting trips that combine the camping and rafting adventures into one. Whitewater Rafting Known for world-class whitewater rafting, this is a memorable and exciting adventure to take with friends and family as there are different levels available for everyone. Browns Canyon is rated #1 on TripAdvisor for a whitewater rafting trip and conveniently, we have trips to choose from here. Whitewater rafting is not only thrilling but builds camaraderie and trust among your raft mates. Hiking Spend the morning or afternoon hiking around the Continental Divide. Two 14ers are located near Buena Vista, Mt. Princeton and Mt. Yale. Mt. Princeton is 14,197’ tall with one 13 mile route on the east slope rated at a class 2 difficulty. Mt. Yale stands at 14,196’ tall and can be accessed by the southwest slope (standard route) or east ridge; both routes are about 10 miles long and a class 2 difficulty. As always, it’s important to pack appropriately for hiking of any type and bring plenty of water and snacks, as well as notify people where you’ll be in case you get lost. Horseback Riding Not long ago, Colorado was the home of cowboys on the Front Range. The majestic horses are still a valuable companion of humans provide a relaxing way to bond with animals and nature while wandering into the wilderness. As Colorado’s second most popular outdoor activity, friends and family will enjoy a horseback riding trip along the Arkansas River with spectacular views of Mt. Princeton, the Chalk Cliffs, and Mt. Antero. Canoeing and Fishing Nothing is more peaceful than floating on a lake or canoeing and kayaking down a lazy river. There is an abundance of lakes and creeks to choose from nearby. Cottonwood Lake is popular for fishing with mountain goats in the backdrop. For a hike-in area, Brown’s Creek has a 5 mile trail to a scenic waterfall. Anyone over 15 will need a fishing license and length minimums vary from location to location. Any combination of these trips will make for an exciting outdoor escape among friends and family. Buena Vista is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts due to the breath-taking views of the Rocky Mountains and the variety of outdoor activities just a few minutes away.

5 Great Ways To Experience The Great Outdoors Of Colorado

At Wilderness Aware Rafting, we know that people want to experience the great outdoors in a number of ways, and fortunately, there are many activities that can accomplish this goal. Whether that be Rafting Colorado rivers, guided Horseback Riding trips, or even just plain old back-country camping, Colorado is the perfect place to play outdoors for those still young at heart. If you are interested in doing something new and exciting, and want to do that outdoors, be sure to check and see what trip offers we have available! 5 Outdoor Activities To Experience The Wild Of Colorado For those of you that are native to the state of Colorado, you know full well the natural beauty that lays here. From the Red Rocks to Sand Dunes, from the iconic Rocky Mountains to the open prairies and plains, from mountain lakes to deep caves, the state is nothing more than one big adventure playground for those willing to explore. And explore you should. There are few places that match the wonder and beauty of this great state, and that is not to brag, but rather, to convince. It’s not as though we want to keep it to ourselves, but rather, share it with all so that they can enjoy it as we do. It is for this reason that we are going to discuss 5 of the most enjoyable ways you can experience the outdoors of Colorado. And don’t fret, everything on this list can be done by most people. Granted some may take a little adjusting depending on your health, age, or experience. But overall, these activities can be enjoyed by all, and should be. So without further ado, let’s get into it. Mountain Climbing: There many mountains to climb in Colorado, and dozens of 14ers for those who want to achieve that mile marker. The most popular of which are Longs Peak and Pikes Peak. The mountain you choose to climb, as well as the exact path, will directly dictate it’s overall difficulty. Some mountains you can almost drive to the top of, where you only need to hike a few hundred feet to make it to the peak, while others require thousands of feet if you were to start at the base. Either way, the feeling of achievement once you reach the top, coupled with the view you are gifted for your efforts makes mountain climbing in Colorado a must for anyone who currently lives here, or is passing through. Spelunking: If climbing up is not necessarily your thing, or you’re afraid of heights, then perhaps it’s worth considering climbing down. Cave diving / spelunking is often an overlooked activity in Colorado as well… most people don’t think to do it. There are dozens of caves throughout the state, some of which are miles in length and have magnificent mineral deposits developed inside. With stalactites and stalagmites, crystals, chutes, chimneys, and everything else a cave diver could dream of. Many of the caves also house wildlife such as bats and a variety of insects. If you are feeling adventurous, there are many isolated caves that can be accessed after a little hike, and even some you are forced to repel into. But if you want something a bit more relaxed, there are caves which have guided tours, are lit, have hand rails and steps, and overall are not dangerous at all. The most notable being the Cave of the Winds. Whitewater Rafting: What would Colorado be without the Colorado River? Well I suppose it would still be Colorado, but the river that begins here and ends in Mexico is one of the greatest rivers America has to offer to those thrill seekers who care to navigate its waters. Rafting is a perfect mix of adventure, relaxation, and site seeing all rolled into one convenient package. Depending on the class of rapids you choose to raft, you can expect thrilling adventure, or a slow leisurely and meandering course. You’ll get to see some sites that most people never get to witness since they are remote and not easily accessible without a raft. Overall it is perhaps one of the best ways to experience Colorado’s great outdoors. Skiing: More than anything, Colorado is known for its skiing. Between Vail and Steamboat Springs, many people in the U.S travel here to ski down their well groomed runs, and take a crack at the countless ski trails that line the land. Even if skiing isn’t your thing, Colorado is still a great place to experience a winter wonderland, where sledding, snowshoeing, and ski mobiles can be used to move across a land bleached in snow. The calmness that overcomes the state after a proper snowfall really sets the mood, not so much one of laziness and bundling up and staying indoors, but going out and feeling the brisk winter air, smelling the freeze that has settled, and watching the sparkling of the snow when the sun catches it just right. Camping: Finally, the creme de la creme for most people who live in the state. Camping in Colorado is without a doubt great. No better word could be used. Whether you are camping just to relax for a weekend, or you’re hiking the Colorado Trail, there is no better way to expose yourself to the great outdoors than by submerging yourself in it. That certainly means spending the night, because when you awake the next day to birds chirping, chipmunks scurrying, sun shining, and dew evaporating leaving the smell of a fresh rain… you’ll feel you’re in heaven. Because in a way you are, I couldn’t describe heaven on earth without thinking of Colorado. That’s certainly not an overstatement, and if anything, it still doesn’t give it justice. Hopefully this list will give you a few ideas of things you should most definitely do in Colorado whether you live here or are just visiting. There is so much to experience that you literally do have to spend quite a bit of time here to do it all, but fear not, Colorado isn’t going anywhere,

How Rafting Can Create Lasting Family Memories

If you are looking for the best Family Rafting Trips Colorado has to offer, then look no further. At Wilderness Aware, we know what it takes to excite and have fun, after all we are lucky enough to do it every day. Be sure to check and see what trip offerings are available and contact us to plan a trip that your family is sure to remember! Creating Lasting Family Memories… With a Little Help From Nature Most people will know it is very difficult to conjure, plan, and put into action a proper family vacation because people want different things from a vacation. Some want to relax, others want to explore, others want to simply get away, while still some are seeking a thrilling experience. This list can go on and on, but in the end, the point that no two people are the same still exists. Meaning that very few things can fulfill everyone’s wants and desires. Now when you take into account that this rarely occurs where everyone gets what they want, people can become sour and unpleasant because, well… they aren’t enjoying themselves. This only lessens everyone else’s experience. So for a great family vacation, consider a whitewater rafting trip! By no means take this as a sales speech  and consider what is going to be said here as if it wasn’t enjoyable, no one would be doing it. Rafting Is Both Relaxing and Thrilling It may seem to be polar opposites, but rafting is indeed both relaxing and thrilling. Simply stated, there are moments of both throughout any trip. There are going to be stretches where your only concern is the sound of the water trickling and babbling, viewing landscape scenes most others will never set eyes on, basking in the warmth and glow of the sun, watching the birds fly and chipmunks play. There are few occasions and instances in life where you could be more relaxed. And though this won’t be the rafting trip entirely, there are certainly enough moments where even the most tumultuous souls will be put at peace. Now on the other end of this spectrum, is the excitement. The thrill of shooting through rapids, crashing and fighting against the waves. The battle of controlling what would otherwise be an uncontrollable object, guiding it through obstacles like a thread through a needle. At some points, you may feel you’ve been going for an eternity when in actuality it’s only been a few moments. Your heart will be pumping, your senses heightened due to the adrenaline, and muscles tired from fighting the current. Fortunately, just around the bend is another section of lazy river. So rafting certainly covers the full spectrum of relaxation and excitement. Rafting Is Adventurous There is nothing more adventurous than being beholden to the current of a force outside of yourself. You may be able to guide where in the river you are, but the river in the end is leading the way. Along the way, if you saw something of interest, get out and go explore. Most people will never set foot in these places, they will never see what is seen, or experience what is experienced. Rafting is naturally and inherently adventurous, absolutely no doubt about that. Rafting Involves The Outdoors This should go without saying, but for some a proper vacation involves the outdoors and even being active. While in the river, you are literally following and flowing through the veins of the world. You will be smack dab in the middle of the outdoors, there is no doubt about that. Meantime, as far as being active is concerned… there is no concern. At the end of a day you are going to be spent, as you will have been outdoors in the sun, breathing fresh air, and fighting a formidable force. Rafting As A Great Escape There is no better way to escape than getting out into the wild. If losing yourself for a moment is the goal, rest assured that while rafting you will forget all about yourself. The unadulterated beauty of nature and the serene sense while present in it is without any better way to say, magical. For a long time man has though there to be healing properties to rivers, sometimes physically, but certainly mentally and spiritually. Rafting Creates Great Memories With all that said above, it should be apparent now that it would be hard for any person not to find some enjoyment from white water rafting. Whether you remember how relaxing, thrilling, beautiful, or adventurous your trip was, you’ll have stories and memories to share for a long time. As far as allowing a family to do something together where everyone has something they can enjoy, there are few things that beat rafting. Most likely your favorite memories won’t be the same, but that’s a good thing. That means you’ve each taken something different and special from the experience, but what would be important was that you’ve experienced it together. And it is these moments as a family that matters most, when everyone is happy and enjoying each others company without the stresses of normal daily life. We hope to see you soon someday, and to help make any of your Family Rafting Trips memorable. Be sure to contact us with any questions, and be sure to consider rafting as a great family trip. You can rest assured, it would certainly be more interesting than a trip to Disneyland!

6 Great Rivers That Wilderness Aware Rafting Offer Trips On

Wilderness Aware Rafting is one of the more well known rafting companies in Colorado. That said, the rivers we choose to raft reflect our love for water, and we only offer trips on the best rivers available for commercial rafting. So here is a list of the 6 greatest rivers that we offer as rafting destinations in and around Colorado. 1. The Gunnison River, CO: The Gunnison River is located next to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Surrounding towns include Delta, Grand Junction and Montrose. It is an isolated and gorgeous river, home to both narrow and tall cliffs that are near black in color. Gunnison Whitewater rafting is a special thing, cruising through canyons where the rock is as dark as the shadows they cast. It’s quite easy to become lost in the moment whilst rafting here, where your mind can wander as far as the river snakes. 2. The Dolores River, CO: The Dolores River is located deep in the desert of Colorado’s southwestern region. Surrounding towns include Durango, Cortez, and Telluride. Rafting the Dolores River offers rapid difficulties ranging from novice to advanced, which allows for any range of experienced rafters to partake in the joy of this desert beauty. The river is long enough that multi-day trips are available, where you can enjoy the sounds of the whispering river before you doze off under a clear night sky. The peace that is brought to you here is unquestionable, and once experienced, you’d understand why. 3. The Arkansas River, CO: The Arkansas River is found running through the heart of Colorado. Surrounding towns include Buena Vista, Salida, and Canon City. It is believed to be on of America’s most popular white water rafting locations. Arkansas river white water rafting is suitable for any experience of rafter. The rapids to be found there range from mild to extreme difficulty. Wilderness Aware Rafting even has designated picnic sites to stop at, which are in the most scenic of areas. 4. The Upper Colorado River, CO: The Colorado River begins high in the Rocky Mountain National Park. From there it flows and grows into a gentle giant which can be enjoyed by anyone. Surrounding towns include Steamboat Springs and Kremmling. Upper Colorado river rafting is perfect for newcomers, young children, and older folks. Essentially the whole family can partake in enjoying this river where you’ll pass by meadows and rugged cliffs alike. 5. The North Platte River, CO: The North Platte River is one of the least rafted rivers in Colorado, as there are only a couple weeks a year that it can actually be rafted. Surrounding towns include Walden and Kremmling. If you want to get away from it all, there is no better river than this. Where you’re guaranteed to see more wild life than people, and natural beauties rather than man made ones. 6. The Salt River, AZ: The Salt River of Arizona is a desert gem, found deep in the Sonoran Desert. Surrounding towns include Phoenix, Tucson, and Globe. Salt River rafting trips can be expected to contain beaches and beautiful canyon scenery. Between the springtime wildflowers and the large Sauaro Cacti, there is no other place in the world where such beauties can be seen whilst rafting down a river. Hopefully you can find the time to enjoy whats left of the summer on one of these memorable rivers. It’s hard to imagine any time being better spent. Great memories are not to be had unless they are made. So go out and make a pleasant memory for yourself.

Family Friendly Adventure Expeditions

If you have children and you were to tell them that this year, you were all going to go on an Colorado adventure. They would probably laugh, snicker, and scoff at the idea. Assuming perhaps that it meant the usual trek through the hills, or a bike ride through some trails. But would you blame them if that were actually the case? Has our meaning of adventure lost its allure? Or have we simply overused the word to cover anything that is outside the norm of everyday life? Adventure once meant a daring and unusual experience that required enthusiasm from those participating. It took a bit of enterprise and planning, it also took some courage. Not that danger had to be inherent, but the possibility of danger does add to the excitement. Now for a family trip, you would want to lessen any possibilities of danger. But precautions can be made for any form of expedition, even to the extent that you can almost alleviate any potential for trouble to arise. Countless families go rock climbing, camping, trail riding, even hunting together. All of these have some form of danger involved in their activity. However, none of those could be considered an adventure if they have done them before, especially if it is in the same area that you have always been to. Remember that adventure must contain a few key components if it is to be adventurous. It first must be a daring and unusual experience. The daring aspect of it may be easy to cover as many activities are daring, but for it to be unusual means that you must not be familiar with it. This is hard as it leads to the second point which is that it must take a bit of planning and enterprise. This is where enthusiasm rises from, the idea of doing something you have not done before and preparing yourself to do that. This then leads into the last point which is that it must take courage. Courage doesn’t have to mean you must risk life and limb. But simply that you have the courage to try something you have yet to experience, to plan it out, and set your mind to completing it. You can’t go on an adventure if where you are going you have already ventured. Thats why its an addition to venturing… an adventure. So when a child doesn’t feel the weekend trail ride in the mountains is as fun as it once was. It’s probably less the fact that they’re getting older and more that there is no thrill in it any more. There is no other time in life where people are more adventurous, and can possibly be so, than when they are children. They epitomize the spirit of adventure, which undoubtedly is still in all of us. We just lose touch with it as we age and fall into the routine of everyday life. But I would assume that we all miss that care free adventurous spirit we once possessed, and would not want our children to lose theirs as well. To help avoid this, ensure that your next trip is an adventure in the purest form. Perhaps take a family friendly rafting trip to a river you have not been to, or go spelunking and explore a cave that you had not known of. If you want to keep the spirit of adventure alive in your children, you must help it to grow as anything else. Also, if you care to reawaken your own spirit, all you have to do is try. If you would care to go on a Colorado rafting vacation, or raft the Colorado River, visit to see what options are available. Rafting the Colorado river has never been made more simple.

Experience the allure, wonder and natural beauties of Colorado by rafting down the states most prominent rivers!

Summer has finally entered full swing in Colorado, and we at Wilderness Aware Rafting want to help share what we find to be the most beautiful and awe inspiring parts of this great state. Rafting in Colorado is one of the easiest ways to experience much of the flora and fauna that this state has to offer. Two of the better rivers that can be experienced in Colorado are the Arkansas River and the Royal Gorge River. Both are located in the south and southwest of Colorado. Rafting in Colorado provides unique encounters with its wildlife and allows to fully appreciate the states plant diversity. This is due to the fact that plants obviously thrive and are healthier when there is a constant water source available. Wildlife also flourishes when water is readily available. Upon an Arkansas River Rafting and Royal Gorge River trip you could expect to see the infamous Soapweed Yucca plant which is oddly well suited for sewing purposes. If you were to draw the needle out from the middle of one of its leaves, the needle will have long strands that are attached to it which make it quit suitable for sewing rips and tears in your clothing. There is Sagewort or Sagebrush which is commonly used to feed cattle as it contains very high levels of protein. Blue Grama Grass is important for holding together prairie soil due to its shallow dense root system. This helps to prevent the soil from blowing around as it did during the dustbowls of the 1930s. There is the Plain Prickly Pear Cactus which is known for making many a hikers day a bit uncomfortable. Also any number of wild flowers can be seen, such as Asters, Blazing Stars, Purple Clover, Coneflower, Fleabane, Wild Indigos and many more. Some of the wildlife that can be seen while rafting in Colorado are Coyotes, Badgers, Foxes, and even Black Footed Ferrets. Deer, Prairie Dogs, and Pronghorn. For anglers, there are Brown and Rainbow trout. For the bird enthusiast, there are Humming Birds, Herons, various types of Hawks, Falcons, Owls, Kestrels, Meadowlarks, Kingbirds, Vultures, and if you’re lucky you may even spot one of the few endangered condors which still grace our skies. Which there are only a few hundred left in the wild. The sheer number and diversity of wildlife in the area makes any trip upon these rivers memorable. If you have an appreciaiton for either flora or fauna, it is almost certain you will not be let down in your experience upon these rivers. Even Rock Hounds would feel traveling in these areas as an adventure. Aquamarine is often sought after in the region as well as various Geodes which can be found. If you are looking for something fun, thrilling, educational, and perhaps even meaningful to do with friends and family, then taking a River Rafting Trip through Wilderness Aware Rafting would be something that should be considered. It’s almost assured you wont be let down.

Last chance to take advantage of our Season Wrap-Up Discount!

If you haven’t had a chance yet to partake in one of our popular Salt River rafting trips, don’t despair! You still have to time to take advantage of the Arizona rafting season with our Season Wrap-Up Discount. We want to see you on the Salt River this spring, so Wilderness Aware is taking 10% off your Arizona rafting trip if you book before April 22. Read on for some more information on our popular Arizona rafting trips, and take advantage of our remaining availability for this great trip discount! If you have a big sense of adventure but you’re pressed for time, sign up for a $95 half-day rafting extravaganza winding through Mule Hoof Bend in the Upper Salt River Canyon. You’ll navigate Class III and IV rapids in the canyon, watch for wildlife sightings, and partake in the beautiful scenery and camaraderie—not a bad way to spend a morning. Make every hour in your half-day count with this whitewater adventure at a discounted price. If you have a little more time to spare, meet us an easy drive away from Phoenix or Tucson for a full-day whitewater adventure for just $129. We’ll explore the wonders of the Upper Salt River Canyon, including the stunning limestone cliffs that serve as a refuge for endangered Southern Bald Eagles. In between rafting Class III and IV rapids in Maytag Chute, Mother Rock, and Exhibition Rapid, your guides will prepare a fajita feast for you and your companions, made before your eyes using fresh and delicious ingredients. Check your schedule and take a day off for one of our Salt River rafting trips—and make memories that will last a lifetime. With flexible timeframes and affordable prices, our discounted Salt River rafting trips are the perfect way to get out on the water and welcome summer. Join us out on the river for a full or half day of Arizona whitewater rafting, and don’t forget to bring a friend and your sense of adventure! For more information on our Salt River rafting discount trips or our other Colorado rafting trips, visit

Book your trip now and get a discount on your Colorado rafting adventure!

If you didn’t get a chance to use your Spring has Sprung discount on Arizona rafting, don’t worry—you’re just in time to join us for white water rafting Colorado! Right now, Wilderness Aware is getting ready to run Colorado rafting trips on 5 of Colorado’s most incredible rivers, and we want you to join us. Book your rafting trip any time before May 1st, and we’ll take 10% off your trip! Read on for more information on the Colorado white water rafting trips we offer with this discount. This spring, we’re running trips on five pristine Colorado rivers: The Arkansas, the Gunnison, the Upper Colorado, the North Platte, and the Dolores River. No matter what your experience or group size, we have the perfect trip for you. If you’re looking for a backcountry wilderness experience white water rafting in Colorado, check out our trips on the North Platte River, where you’ll likely see more wildlife than people. Or take a look at the Gunnison River—its stunning scenery and isolation from civilization make it a great option for those looking to get some time away from the daily grind. If it’s your first time whitewater rafting Colorado, or you have a young family in tow, you’ll want to consider the mild waters of the Upper Colorado. With scenery that includes ranch meadows, valleys, steep slopes and rugged cliffs, there’s something to catch the eye of every adventurer, young or old. Relax and enjoy the gently moving water, riverside hot springs, and freshly-prepared meals, courtesy of your guides. If you’re looking to get your adrenaline pumping, try rafting Colorado on the Arkansas River. With whitewater ranging from the mildly challenging Browns Canyon and Narrows trips to the heart-stopping and unpredictable Numbers and Royal Gorge rafting sections, you’re bound to find the perfect challenge for you. Wilderness Aware also runs trips ranging in length from a few hours to over a week, so no matter what your schedule looks like, you can get the right rafting trip in. To get your trip discount for spring rafting in Colorado, give us a call at 800.462.7238 or book here and enter promo code: SPRINGSPRUNG. For more information on our Colorado white water rafting trips, or to plan your land or water-based adventure, visit Act now to save big on your spring rafting trip—remember, the offer only applies to trips booked before May 1. See you in the water!